
Our enchanting look at the talented design and ethical garments of this pioneering Italian knitwear brand.
Gaia Segattini
Sustainable Knitwear

Showcasing the joy of manufacturing and wearing Gaia Segattini's ethical unisex knitwear.

Gaia Segattini Knotwear is an Italian fashion brand making bright and innovative unisex knitwear with a focus on sustainability and waste reduction. Made in one-off or limited runs from leftover and sustainable production yarns, Gaia is dedicated to creating slow and virtuous fashion with no waste and little pollution, built to last for years and not just one season. Their entire supply chain spans just a 30km area in Marche, Italy, reducing their emissions and allowing fantastic quality oversight.

Keen to showcase the artisan knitting at Gaia, we travelled to Marche to film their workshops firsthand. From the spinning of the machines to the delicate hand-knitted touches, the beauty of their production process was one that we knew would look cinematic and engaging. We also wanted to explore the joy, tactility, and personal quality of Gaia’s clothes, shooting them on models of all ages with enchanting movement and locations to truly express the heart of the company.

Be your own moodboard
Gaia Segattini, Founder